Part 27: Update XXV - Developing means
Update XXV - Developing means
Music: School IV
Alright, time to see if we can find a lead on this Vorpal Blade.
By which I mean we go pester Rin for help again.
Er, I was having fun playing...

Huh... Looks like you've forgotten we're in the middle of a war here. With your guard so down, the enemy will slice your head clean off.
What is a "Vorpal Blade"?
Vorpal Blade? I think...that's a weapon that has an effect on types of monstrosities... What about it? It's limited in its application, so I doubt it will be of much help. Well, if you do need it, you will have to find an
alchemist. Sorry, I can't transmute such a thing. If I were you, I'd find a master
alchemist and discuss the matter with them.

alchemist? At least I have a lead. I'll ask some of the other Masters.
What a coincidence, we're already friends with a skilled alchemist!
Issei also has something to say.

But I heard that a place known as the
Atlas Institution specialized in alchemy and astrology. The Master further down the hall is from the
Atlas Institution. You should speak with her.
In case you haven't played Melty Blood and have no idea what Atlas is, Issei points you directly to Rani.
Are you an Atlas alchemist, Rani?

-Yes. I have a somewhat thorough knowledge of the skills required in alchemy. Though, to be accurate, it is my professor who is the alchemist and I the disciple. What of it?
What is a "Vorpal Blade"?

My professor spoke of the Vorpal Blade. It's a Mystic Code effective only against particular targets. With the right materials, like
Malachite, I could use alchemy to affect the Arena. But

Right. Rani may be friendly to me, but she's also a Master I will someday face. Even if I did acquire a
Malachite, and Rani can transmute it, she has no reason to help me.

No, it is all right. I have seen that your star is different from the other Masters'. It is possible you are the one my professor spoke of... If you bring me
Malachite, I will do my best to transmute it into a
Vorpal Blade. I felt like I saw
Malachite somewhere in here.

The one her professor spoke of? I don't get it, but at least she sounds willing to cooperate. I'll go search for
Malachite before she changes her mind.
Rin gets another marker after Rani offers to help.

Rin Tohsaka says something weird when I tell her I need
Malachite to transmute a
Vorpal Blade.
Malachite, I see. It's not like I don't have any, but...
I don't think she'll give me any.

Positive I'll be rejected, I ask her anyway. Instead of outright rejecting my request, she smiles at me. It's not a good smile.

For free? Do I look like a charity organization to you? Don't forget that we're enemies. So you can have it...provided you give me something in return.

I didn't think she'd outright give it to me...but I'm anxious about what her conditions are.

Let's see... In exchange for the
Malachite, you must give me a gem of equal value. How about...a large
Ruby? I want something along the lines of that.

Ruby... Needless to say, I don't have one in my pocket or anything. Rin notices my response, and she continues in an upbeat tone.
You can just do
that? Could you do me a favor and hack in some better healing items?

I mean, they're there but they're surprisingly pricey.

I think her Servant is making fun of her. She gets a sour face after that exchange.

W-Well, at least now you know the commissary has a large
Ruby. How you use that knowledge is up to you.

I feel like I'm getting the short end of this deal...but what else can I do? I better go to the
I'm sure the Ruby can't be that expens-
The game is set to always show that if you try to buy it, even if you use cheat codes to get infinite money.

What, you want to buy it? That will be 5,000,000PPT! My, aren't we loaded...
As I have no choice... *Sigh*

The price makes my wallet scream out in agony, but I really need a
Vorpal Blade. As I stared at the price with disgust, the store clerk said something out of the blue.
There's no way I can afford it.

I understand your qualms. The Ruby, while exquisite, is incredibly expensive.

So, why don't we make a deal? Us staff members would kill for one of the
lunches made by Sakura, the school nurse. Unfortunately for us, those lunches are only for Masters, like yourself. I'd love to be able to try one, just once... Hehehe, like I'd ever get the chance.

A...lunch?! Seriously? I mean, is anything homemade worth that much? ...Not that I care. No point in delaying. I'd better go to the nurse's office and finish this.
So, to summarize: in order to get the Trigger we need a Vorpal Blade to kill Alice's monster. To get the Vorpal Blade we need a chunk of Malachite for Rani to transmute. To get the Malachite we need to trade Rin a valuable Ruby. To get the Ruby we need to get a boxed lunch from Sakura for the shop clerk. Any questions?
I have a request.

I must look more serious than I realized, because Sakura Matou stares at me silently. Can you make me a lunch? The words are clumsy, if I do say so myself, but Sakura Matou offers a sweet smile.

Of course. The truth is, I've been practicing during the preceding rounds, hoping to hand them out. I'm afraid I'm not that good at making them yet...

I'm taken with the urge to devour the whole gorgeous multi-tiered affair on the spot. Firmly regaining self control, I give my thanks to Sakura Matou. All right, off to the commissary.
Lunch get.

I can't believe you actually got this for me. Color me impressed.

I am truly grateful for this. As for my side of the bargain? Here is the item you wanted.
Ruby get.
I think this is the only time the item get screen goes first person like this.

Was that really a fair trade? ...Like I care. Now that I have the Ruby, it's time to push on. If I give this to Rin Tohsaka, I should get some
Malachite in return. In theory, anyway...

I hand Rin Tohsaka the Ruby I got at the commissary. From her dumbfounded expression, it's clear she meant the deal as a joke. She gives me the
Malachite get.

I never thought you'd get it, but a deal's a deal. There's not very many of those, so use it carefully.

Thank goodness. Now, maybe I can get Rani to transmute this for me.


After the
Malachite bursts open and dissipates, Rani opens her eyes. A sword appears in her hands.

This is the
Vorpal Blade. Sadly, I could not create one that would last beyond one use. Please use it carefully. It cannot be transmuted twice.
And Vorpal Blade get!

Thank goodness. Now I have a chance against that Berserker. I'll go to the Arena after this.
Let's go get some revenge on that giant bastard.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

As the enemy Servant writhes in anguish, his aura shrinks rapidly.

Master! The magic item that girl prepared for us was super effective! The enemy is weak! Let's finish it!
Music: Duel - Unauthorized Battle
The Vorpal Blade wasn't able to kill him outright, but it dropped his HP to a much more reasonable number, plus it reveals three actions per turn.
His damage is still rather high compared to what we've faced so far, however, even after weakening him so much.
But Caster only needs to land 10 hits to kill him.
Just one round brought him below half health!
Might as well try out our new Mermaid Robe.
For an extra 10 Master MP, heal(32); goes right back to being a full heal! And with Hakuno's current MP count, I can fire off five of them in a single fight.
The big guy doesn't last much longer.
Beyond normal attacks, his only skill is a Strength buff called Alice Eater, but he didn't get a chance to use it.
And done.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor
The twin Alices pop in after the fight.

The Servant wails as it disappears. We've repelled it!

*Giggle* Really. I wonder how.

You win the treasure hunt, lady.

'Kay, what're we gonna play next?

We gotta go think about it again. All right, bye-bye, lady.

Well, whatever the case, we can get the first cipher key now, my dear Master!

Phew! Cipher key obtained! It was so annoying this time... Can't it ever be easy for you, Master?
And with that, the first floor has been cleared out.
Music: School III
Music: School IV

This entire situation is different in every way from what I faced with Shinji and Dan. I have no idea what to make of the whole situation. First of all, there are two Alices... Could a pair of twins act as Masters in tandem? And what exactly is that Servant of theirs? I couldn't find any information about it at all... Alice's ability as a Master is extraordinary. And I'm sure that her Servant will show up again. Until I get to the bottom of all of these mysteries, I have no chance of winning. It'd be nice if I could talk about this with someone...
Music: Down to Dawn
The classroom and the hallway outside are empty today, but this week's yellow chat is really early!

Sugar, salt, vinegar...what else could there possibly be? Celery and soup stock? Or is that war and peace? Gah! Why are there so many ingredients?!

It sounds like Caster is reading a recipe book she borrowed from the library. Maybe she realized that unrestrained creativity doesn't work in cooking and that there's a right way to do things. ...It seems that there are times when she actually forgets that we're in the middle of a war, but that's a part of what makes this place so relaxing. And by the way, the last two ingredients are soy sauce and miso.

Unfortunately, no. While my past is still a mystery to me, my knowledge of general topics is still intact. My guess is that the memories that make up one's identity and the knowledge needed to function in daily life are two separate things.
What a bizarre
form of amnesia.

...Is that so? I'm sorry to hear that. I was hoping to learn more about you, my dear Master.

But if you can't remember anything just yet, then I guess I will have to wait until you can! So Master, leave the past where it is and let us focus on our sure to be glorious future!

Does she really feel that way, or is she just trying to make me feel better? Either way, her smile is enough to clear away my negative thoughts. While I wish she was more imposing in battle, for an amnesiac Master like me Caster may be the perfect Servant.

Eh? It's not like I'm totally weak and powerless. It's just that there are... reasons...why I'm not at my best.

...There is absolutely nothing I can say in response. The ability to use her full power is severely hampered by my inexperience as a magus.

Let's talk about the future. So, what are you going to wish for once you win the Holy Grail?

Although it came out of the blue, her question did bring up a very good point. What will I do if I somehow manage to survive all of this? The legendary object with the power to grant any wish. Even if that's true
I'm not sure I can make that decision.

...That's right. Without memories of my past, I don't know what kind of person I really am. Can I even be trusted with something as valuable as a wish? Or, more to the point, do I even have any hopes or dreams worthy of having come true like the other Masters? I fight because I don't want to die. I fight for the sake of survival. That's not really a wish, but rather the most basic instinct that all living creatures possess. Leo and Dan Blackmore. And Rin Tohsaka as well. All of them mysterious magi who have knowingly entered the SE.RA.PH. Unlike those who've waited for countless years for this opportunity, my will to fight is far weaker than those who I will have to face in battle.

Is that so...? Could it be you lost the ability to feel certain emotions along with your memories? Or perhaps you had no burning passions or anger in the first place? Rage, indignation, or an overwhelming passion for a cause. Even if your desire is self-serving, strong emotions of any kind normally are the basis of one wanting to wish for change. If you want my opinion, I think you're fine just the way you are. For some, just knowing that their wish could possibly be granted is enough to consume them.

I don't want that to ever happen to you, Master
At least Caster is consistent.

Wait. Did she just say she wanted to be the one bleed me dry of my money, time and?! Anyway... While I don't have anything to wish for, I wonder if Caster has any wishes of her own. In exchange for her help, I can only assume that she'll want to use the Holy Grail as well.

Eh? My wishes?

Caster blinks as though pole-axed. She seems at a total loss for words. Her ears and tail also go stiff in shock. ...Judging by her response, or lack thereof, Caster must not have any wishes of her own. She is a Heroic Spirit, after all. Most, if not all, of her dreams must have already come true.

No, Master. I do have a wish; the same one I've always had. How should I put this? ...I just want someone to love. I want to be able to fully devote myself to someone.

Caster quietly confesses her wish. The sincerity in her tone is impossible to ignore. ...If there ever was a paragon to the virtues of purity and selflessness, there she stands before me. Her words are proof enough of that. It doesn't matter what rewards await the winner of the Holy Grail War, or what our contract requires her to do, she is helping me try to win this war for no other reason than she wants to.

There is only one thing I'd wish for. I just want to be the happiest and best-est wife in the world, Master!

The smile she directs at me while she says this is so earnest, so genuine, that it's unnerving. ...Although I'm sure Caster has kept a few things from me, I'm pretty sure she wasn't lying about her wish. And I'm sure that when she said she'd happily devote herself to such an inexperienced Master as myself, she truly meant it.
And with that, the scene ends.
Next time: A new game.